Tuesday 5 June 2012


Posted by Unknown On 23:41 | No comments
1. Simple: - Java is a simple programming language. Learning & practicing java is easy because of its resemblance C and C++ pointers are not available on JAVA.
2. Object Oriented: - Java is a purely object-oriented programming language. Java programs use objects & classes.
àObject: - Object is anything exists really in the world. An object contains properties and performs actions. Properties are represented by variables & actions are formed by functions. Functions are called methods in java.
àClass: - A class is a group of name that represents properties & actions of objects. Class does not exist physically. Where as object exist physically.  A class is a plan or model to create objects, from the class to create the objects. In every java program we must contain at least one class.

3. Distributed: - Information is distributed on various on a network. Using java, we can write programs which capture information & distribute it to clients.
4. Robust: - Robust means strong. Java programs are strong. Java programs will not crash easily because of its execution handling and its memory management features. In C, C++ less or more than memory the programs are crash. In java this problem is not occurred, because JVM is allotted the memory.
Memory allocation: - JVM’S class loader sub system
Memory management: - JVM’S class garbage collection, this collector removes the unused memory. Exception means run time error. We can not handling the exception in ‘C’. In case java we can handle smoothly
5. Secure: - Java enables the constructions of various free and tamper-free systems.
6. Architecture Neutral: - Java’s byte code isn’t machine dependent. It can be run any machine with any processor & with any operating system.
7. Portable: - Java programs give same results on all machines. Everything is clearly defined in java specification & nothing is left to o / s. If the Program is eliding give same results are called portability.
8. Interpreted: - Java programs are compiled to generate the byte code. This byte code can be downloaded & interpreted by the interpreter in JVM. In java we use interpreter. This interpreter is slow that’s why problem is occurred
9. High performance: - Along with interpreter, there will be JIT (just in time) compiler which enhance the speed of execution. 
10.Multi Threaded: - A thread is a process or execution. We can create different processing in java called ‘threads’. This as an essential feature to design server side programs.
11.Dynamic: - We can develop programs in java which dynamically interact with the user on internet.
Ex: - Applets.


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