Sunday, 2 December 2012

Software requirement specification
Software requirement specification abbreviated as SRS is a means of translating the idea of files into a formal document. The main features of SRS include:
 Establishing the basis for an agreement between the client and the developer. Producing a reference for validation of the final product.
SRS assist clients in determining if the software meets the requirements.
Mainly there are six requirements which an SRS must satisfy.
(a) It should specify the external behaviour.
(b) It should specify the constraints.
(c) It should be easy to change.
(d) It should be a reference tool.
(e) It should record throughout the lifecycle.
(f) It should have the capacity of expectation of an undesired event.
Usually we come across four types of requirement specification
(a) User Interface Requirements
(b) Database Requirements
(c) Functional Requirements
(d) Non-Functional Requirements
4.1User Interface Requirements
The user of the proposed system requires that the developed software should be user friendly, have security access, and ensure the privacy of the administrator and produce results in timely manner. The users are not frequently exposed to the on-line hotel management, so the system interface to the user must be simple and understandable. The web pages must be user-friendly and must be in an easy-to-use style. The user must be able to easily switch among various I/O screens. The product is well designed so that it can be used easily by layman and also the users who are novices to the system.
The system should be designed in such a way that only authorized users should be allowed to login to the system. The user interface should be as interactive as possible. A user-friendly interface must be provided so that the user can easily interact with the system and comprehend things in a quicker and easier way. The system must provide reliable and up-to-date information.
The application should be efficient so that the user does not spend much time in training. Consistency will increase the confidence of the user in the reliability of the application. The user must be limited with a small set of operations to achieve the result. The application should be visually and conceptually clear. The interface should accommodate user mistakes easily and fast. It should minimize the errors and should handle them peacefully.
4.2Database Requirements
The database should be designed in such a way that it enhances the efficient storage, retrieval and manipulation of all the information associated. For instance all general information regarding an item attribute should be stored in a particular table.
The concerned users should have the facility to query to the database and supply the basic information easily. Security mechanisms should be provided so that no confidential details should be accessible to unauthorized persons. The database should be organized in such a way that it helps in preparing various essential summaries needed for users.
4.3Functional Requirements
The various functional requirements of the system can be summarized as:-
(a) A home page that is user friendly and ambiguous.
(b) Administrator Login Facility
(c) Room Availability Check Facility
(d) Easy Reservation Process
(e) Provide Reservation Slip
(f) Links to other related sites.
(g) Ability of Administrator to perform any tasks which you can see in my snapshots(below) and in my running project.
4.4Non-Functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements define the system properties and constraints that arise through user needs, because of the budgeted constraints or organizational policies, or because of the need for interoperability with other software or due to the external factors such as safety regulations privacy registrations and so on.
4.5Other Requirements
 Performance Requirements
(a) The database should be centralized and secure.
(b) The system should be user friendly and easily accessible
(c) The system must be reliable.
Design Requirements
The main objectives of input design are:
(a) Controlling the amount of input
(b) Keeping the process simple, avoiding errors.
(c) The best thing in the input design is to achieve all the objectives mentioned in the simplest manner possible.
The main objectives of output design are:
(a) Identifying the specific outputs.
(b) Creating reports for displaying and storing information.

Inputs are required for developing the system, which stored for the process and for future use. System will work on the inputs given by the user and itself gathers most of the information necessary for its activities. The main objectives that are guiding as in the input stages are:
·                Controlling the amount of inputs
·                Avoiding inordinate delay
·                Controlling errors
Scope of Study
The main objective of this project is to enter information’s related with patients and report generation. The system facilitates to handle large amount of data, quick and accurate and any time information to users, fast processing of data and security features based on user roles.
Feasibility Study
Every project is feasible provided given unlimited resources and infinite time. Unfortunately the development of a computer-based system is more likely to be plagued  by resource scarcity and stringent schedules. It is both necessary and prudent to evaluate the feasibility of a project at earliest possible time. Wastage of manpower and financial resources and untold professional embarrassment can be avoided if an ill-conceived system is recognized early in the development phase. So a detailed study was carried out to check the workability of the proposed system.
Feasibility study is a test of system proposal regarding its workability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of resources. Thus, when an application is proposed, it is normally goes through a feasibility study before it is approved for development.
Feasibility and risk analysis is related in many ways. If project risk is great, the feasibility of producing quality is reduced. Thus during feasibility analysis for this project, following three primary areas for interest was considered very carefully. There are several types of feasibility.
Economic Feasibility
An evaluation of development cost weighted against the ultimate income or benefit derived from the proposed system. The proposed system will not cause any expenditure since all the requirements are available in the firm.
Technical Feasibility
A study of resource availability that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. Technical feasibility is the most difficult area to ensure at initial stage. Since te objectives, functions, performance cannot be predicted to its fullest, everything  seems possible, provided the right assumptions are made.
It is essential that the process of analysis and definition can be conducted in parallel with an assessment of technical feasibility. The consideration that is normally associated with technical feasibility includes resource availability at the organization where the project is to be developed and implemented.
Operational Feasibility
           It deals with the consideration about working of the system after installation. The proposed system would be beneficial to its users as their needs are fully satisfied. As this project satisfies all the requirements of the users it is operationally feasible. All the operational aspects are considered carefully here. Only by spending tie to evaluate feasibility we will be able to reduce the chances for extreme embracement at later stages of a project.
The benefits of proposed system are:
·           Ability to handle large amount of a data
·           Fast and accurate information is possible
·           Security features based on user roles
·           Easy Report generation
Thus, considering the above facts management felts that the project is feasible.

Financial Feasibility: 

Financial feasibility should be distinguished from economic feasibility. Financial feasibility involves the capability of the project organization to raise the appropriate funds needed to implement the proposed project. Project financing can be a major obstacle in large multi-party projects because of the level of capital required. Loan availability, credit worthiness, equity, and loan schedule are important aspects of financial feasibility analysis.

Cultural Feasibility:

Cultural feasibility deals with the compatibility of the proposed project with the cultural setup of the project environment. In labor-intensive projects, planned functions must be integrated with the local cultural practices and beliefs. For example, religious beliefs may influence what an individual is willing to do or not do.

Social Feasibility :

 Social feasibility addresses the influences that a proposed project may have on the social system in the project environment. The ambient social structure may be such that certain categories of workers may be in short supply or nonexistent. The effect of the Project on the social status of the project participants must be assessed to ensure compatibility. It should be recognized that workers in certain industries may have certain status symbols within the society.

Market Feasibility:

 Another concern is market variability and impact on the project. This area should not be confused with the Economic Feasibility. The market needs analysis to view the potential impacts of market demand, competitive activities, etc. and "divertable" market share available. Price war activities by competitors, whether local, regional, national or international, must also be analyzed for early contingency funding and debt service negotiations during the start-up, ramp-up, and commercial start-up phases of the project.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


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